Hello. I fixed my computer, there for I can watch movies again. Any who, I highly suggest playing Portal Defenders, and if anyone wants to know, the I think you can unlock Krinkels some how, but IDK. The Madness collab will no longer have stick figure animations in there for I have fixed all of it by starting a new collab about stick figures with the following artist D3structor. Here are the Madness collab's line ups:
Opening scene: Me
next: Drift
next: Kittykittykat
next: 7isunlucky
next: Hippiehater1683
next: Kittykittykat
next: 7IsUnlucky
next: Mr. Random person
next: Animator1123
next: Mr. Random Person
next: Kittykittykat
next: Mr. Random person
next: Drift (maybe he will only be doing one)
next: Me
Ending scene: A supprise ending... C:
deadline for joining: 3/31/2009
deadline for animation: 05/01/2009
So far only 1 fucking person turned in the collab part.
REMEMBER that your collab part must be at least 14 seconds long. Your collab part can be up to 29 seconds long. Be sure to have your collab part in as soon as possible. Anyway, a couple of days ago I landed and triple kickflip on flat ground, for all of you who know what a kickflip is. I also londed and 360 shuvit onto and 7 ft. half pipe.
I MIGHT join, and if I do, it would be best for me that the FPS for this collab is 30, please. No higher, no lower. because that's what I'm used to working with. Good luck with or without me, though.
... okay. 30 it is. are you in or not?