I was thinking about making the collab's music the MC9 music, what do you guys think? Also, I am going to need help with the preloader and crap. So if you are willing to make one and a title screen then say so. Send in your parts as soon as possible, and if anyone has the Madness Combat 9 sprite sheet (with color, if you downloaded the mc.net one then you'll know what I am talking about), then may you please send them to me. Thank you.
Preloader/other: ????
Opening scene: Me
next: DriftLV1
next: Spaderz
next: Kittykittycat001
next: Hippiehater1673
next: Kittykittycat001
next: Mister Random Person
next: Spaderz
next: Kittykittycat001
next: Mister Random Person
next: Animator1123
next: Spaderz
next: Mister. Random Person
next: DriftLV1
next: Hippiehater1673
next: Maybe me
Ending scene: Hippiehater1673 - He has a surprise!
In other news, I just recently have 5000 dallors worths of old comic books! :O
If any one has the MC9 sprite sheet (with sounds) in COLOR send it to me! Same thing goes for a Nazi sprite sheet (along with sounds). Also, my msn is Engineer909@live.com... Lastly, I am making a Skating collab, Here is the line up...
Skate it up: Collab
Opening: Me
next: Me
next: Me
Ending scene: ANOTHER SURPRISE ENDING FROM - HippieHater1673
I also, have another project on my hands. Project: SKATE, Marcy Vad Flaaten inspired me with his spectacular Skater V2 series
I'm busy on another animation as the main course with a sidedish of tight schedule. I may not make it. :p
Hell you will, you have two months and 30 days to do three parts. Take your time, I understand that you have a project. If you do not finish, then I will give you more time.